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The Wisconsin School for Beginning Dairy and Livestock Farmers: Training in Dairy and Livestock Farm Start-up and Managed Grazing Systems

wsbdf, wisconsin, school, beginning, #dairy, livestock, farmers, training, farm, start-up, managed, grazing, systems

Topics linked your research : dairy

Bamboo for forage

http://boonedockswilcox.blogspot.com/2009/01/yellow-groove-bamboo.html Animal forage On our farm where we run dairy cattle and goats on an open pasture we are faced with food shortages during the winter months when grasses are dormant or no longer

Chino Dairy Milking Parlor Manure

Is anyone in So Cal getting manure from a Dairy in Chino? I'm looking for a source.

Help with my mix

First of all, a big thank you to all of you who post on here regularly.  It's so nice to have a place to go when you need help!  This is my 3rd year square ft. gardening.  The first year was great but the last two years I have made mistakes with my mix

Dairy under attack, please help spread the word if you can

Here's the link: http://uncheeseparty.wordpress.com/2010/10/ Here's a brief synopsis that I was given: There was an illegal, unconstitutional govt raid on a private food club in California back in what... August? The jamochs who did the

Help! Very sad about M.M.

Need some advice. We rebuilt our boxes this spring & put boards on the bottom with about 5 3/4 in. holes in each square. The boxes sit a couple inches off the ground. We added all new M.M. to the boxes as I was afraid that weeds were in the mix

Help! I didn't use MM...

I learned about SFG (the real way, with Mel and his Mix) after I built my raised bed. I had asked the people at the garden shop how to fill it and they told me 4 bags of compost (theirs is a lobster seaweed compost, good stuff, I hope), 4 bags of soil mi

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