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So happy to have found this site! We have two 4x4 gardens with Mel's mix. My son wanted them to look like tic-tac-toe boxes for the fall. Hope to learn from everyone here!
Happy to have my two boxes in full swing! These two boxes have 14 varieties of heirloom tomatoes combined. The companions, center and up front, are marigolds and alyssum. Hoping for a great spring! These boxes are filled with Mel's Mix by the book
A few pics from our 2012 spring garden! Main crops comprise of 14 varieties of tomato all started from seed in January. All plants are flowering! SFG's are 12" deep Mel's mix. Should have a good turnout before the 100+ degree weather which will
Thought it might be fun to post pics of the sfg boxes at the beginning and at the end of the month.... Here's mine... Corn just sprouted Likewise, okra just sprouted Peppers and onions: Beans and Cukes Basil Onion
Help! I've had my garden about two weeks. First the strawberries that were just getting ripe enough have been eaten, I assume by birds. NOW I have had a mint plant and a whole tomato plant eaten down to the roots. It was even pulled from the pot with