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Topics linked your research : gambit

Best enigine(s) for gambit play

Hi all. Anyone out there who has been testing a little to find out which engine(s) who do the best performance in gambit play? And I`m not thinking of blitz, and espescially not without increment. I`m thinking about relatively longer games/ with

UON 05-08.2008 (Lisicyn Gambit, Alapin ect.)

Unorthodox Openings Newsletter 05-08.2008 (Lisicyn Gambit, Alapin) - pdf download

Encyclopedy of gambits

Encyclopedy of gambits site:

What do you think about the King's Gambit?

The King's Gambit is a chess opening that begins: 1. e4 e5 2. f4 White offers a pawn to divert the Black e-pawn so as to build a strong center with d2-d4. Theory has shown that in order for Black to maintain the gambit pawn, he may well be

Amazing game: Houdini_1.5_32bit vs Rybka 2.2 32 bit - Paschman Wing Gambit

Paschman Wing Gambit is NEVER played, and I wanted to see how Houdini would do with it. This game is very beautiful for computer chess. [pgn][Event "?"] [Site "?"] [Date "2013.01.18"] [Round "1"] [White

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