Welcome to the QG Network! For the first time ever, all QG series will be brought to one website, for the reader's convenience. Here, you can find the newest episodes of your favorite series, or you can relive vintage episodes from series' of the pas
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Really recently found a tutorial online, on YouTube, so I'm gonna make a written form! All credit goes to Jesse J. Jones, who created the original video. This is gonna teach you how to get Flash MX 2004! So you want Flash free, but legally? Well you ca
When referencing for an academic article it's often advised that one should limit the amount one copies directly from a text. Usually I use a paragraph or less if I need a quote. I'd never use more than that. If I make reference to something I'd use a
another legally acquired tree. ...Im enjoying this source of origin thing. this tree came from a friend's yard. For those who might think that most "yamadori" here in the philippines are illegally acquired, that is half true and half false.