Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum + Friend Code Synthesizer.
friend, #mmuff, mystery, manor, unofficial, forum, code, synthesizer
Ok, I'm scared! What could they take away from me this time? If you're brave enough to update, please share with us what happens this time!
Hello everyone, Just wanted to write a quick topic to let you all know that I am no longer going to be on mystery manor or mmuff. Due to the game having a lack of updates and being not much fun anymore, I have decided that I will no longer play. It
how do I get friends, desperate
This is a goofy question, since I have obviously registered, and therefore must know how to do it, but.... I have had at least two friends go to and not see any way to register. I remember when I first came here I saw a much simpler looking
Mystery Manor has been updated to version 1.6 - Easter Update. I'll post new changes here as information comes in. New Changes: - Easter Event - Easter Eggs Collection #79, charge for Chocolate Egg and 10 Easter Cakes Fixed: - Friend list page
It's hard finding friends to add to my game because all the codes I find (for the most part on the friend synthesizer) aren't android compatible . Please message me or reply to this thread with your friend code if you are an android player like
I have an idea that could make all of our game play more fluid between the forum and the game... While in-game I always try to treat the people I know from this forum with preference. Since we can come here and trade game strategy, put out APBs for