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Topics linked your research : nests

I know what a hornworm is now

We had some bad weather roll thru and 2 of my tomato plants in their cheap wire cages fell over. I tried to stand them upright, but the cages were mangled. I purchased some "Ultomato" cages. Anyway, I cut the wire cages apart and as I was

Mason bees

I am putting up nest boxes for mason bees. I could use some help. How many will I need for a 2 acre garden all SFG and fruit trees/shrubs. And, how difficult are they to care for. Is this one of those build it and they will come things or do I nee

Do worms make nests?

I decided to seive the contents of my black plastic compost bin, the kind that you can turn over to stir the contents. It has been ongoing for what seems like ages and so far it has not turned into that lovely crumbly black gold that we so love. I

American Bald Eagle - Norfolk Botanical Gardens (Virginia)

Well gang, I almost hate to post another webcam; but, the female just laid her first egg of the season this afternoon, so some of you might be interested in watching from time to

Ants nests

Please help. I have just gone to weed my brassica bed to find black ants everywhere. What do I do? P

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