Free forum : Welcome to Forum of animes2download[dot]blogspot[dot]com!
Free forum : For those role players tired of restrictions.
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Where anyone can come and write out their hearts in the blog, download and request music from the hottest artists in the download zone, share artwork and phots, and sooo much more!!
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So this is a free forum made simply for socialization on the internet. Come chat with us, share your artwork, share your stories and fanfictions, and even role-play.
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Love to roleplay? Wanna be part of the roleplaying scene? Then join The Roleplay Zone! All ideas for roleplays are accepted! The Roleplay Zone: For the Roleplayer in Everyone!
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Lol, we RP and stuff.
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Free forum : A place for anime, games, and more. Free forum : The Dark Knight
The fantasy world of Aeon has been destroyed by the ravaging undead. Can you survive?
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Original Character's paradise, this site has been known by many names, Cherry Blossom Central, Kamiaku, Tabookeys, OC-Heaven but it is all the same Chara Central. Come share your OC's and RP with the others, or lay
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A Island based Roleplay!
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Roleplay Forum
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Free forum : The precursor to the Dragon Ball: Shattered Hope series. The ancient races of the Romans and Seraphim are just beginning as empires.
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The Citizens of Lumos awoke to find that there entire city and the neighboring suburbs had been transported to an unknown place, that or everything around them was completely erased by unknown means.
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Video Games, Anime, Movies, Comics, and other tomfoolery.
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Free forum : Talk about anime, video games, or whatever you want.
Free forum : A chilled out forum where basically anything goes
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Free forum : any and all video game topics. Free forum : IshZiy Ent. Gaming Forum
Free forum : A place where you can discuss upcoming games or movies, roleplay, or make new friends.
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Place for Addict Gamers and Japanese Anime fan
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Gaming Forums
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Free forum : Here to bring all gamers together and discuss video games and other miscellaneous stuff.
An awesome place for anyone to come and have fun!
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