Sovereign Soldiers is a gaming clan for Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
call, duty, ss|clan, sovereign, soldiers, gaming, clan, modern, warfare
He-Man Woman Haters Clan, We don't hate women. Heck, we love them, but a guy has got to get away from 'em once in a while just to keep his senses of logic and reason working properly.
call, duty, he-man, woman, haters, xbox360, black, xbox, gaming, clan, team
angling, ireland, tramore, waterford, juvenile, section, fishing, southeast, shark, pollock, crab
A forum for boat anglers in the southwest
boat, fishing, angling, shore, devon, southwest, torbay, charter, bass, mackeral, pollock, conger, whiting, ling, crabs, garfish, wreck, drift, westcountry, mark
Gaming Clan
ac!d, gamers, clan, acid, call, duty, modern, warfare, gaming, bops, black, killzone, battlefield, xbox, iphone, photography, graphic
North Wales Sea Fishing Forum. Sunnyrhyl. forumotion. com Sea Fishing Forum. Sunnyrhyl. com.
fishing, north, wales, shark, bass, tope, rhyl, llandudno, colwyn, mackerel, prestatyn, pensarn, sunny, sunset, sunrise, peace, tranquility