Free forum : Welcome Whovians one and all. This is the site where you can interact within the Who universe and full fill your life long dreams. From the 1st Doctor to the 11th.
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Free forum : all about doctor who far beyond the bbc doctor!
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An active Doctor Who roleplay site! You can be anything you desire, from a human to any kind of alien- even a Time Lord.
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Free forum : Keep up to date with all the latest Doctor Who Merchandise releases aha join our friendly community!!!!!
Doctor Who & Spin Off's Roleplay. ~Doctor Who & Torchwood Roleplay~
#doctor, torchwood, sarah, jane, adventures
Free forum : A place for Doctor Who/Torchwood lovers to come and play their favourite characters or play their own.
The Doctor Who Chronicles - Everything Doctor Who!
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Free forum : All Doctor Who and other science fiction Rpers
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The Amazing World of Doctor Who. Chat about all things to do with the worlds of Doctor Who.
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Free forum : Be ANYONE you want to be! but has to be in the World of Doctor Who! Doesn't have to be some one who existed (although you can) but make up a character!
A Support Forum For Good Doctor Media (DRS Games)
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An appreciative fan site not only devoted to Doctor Who and its surrounding media, but also devoted to fan-made creativity, such as fan-fics, comics, videos or photos. All here to appreciate the wonde
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All Things Whovian is a fan forum for those that love Doctor Who and its friends. (i.e Torchwood and Sarah Jane Adventures.)
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Doctor Who Discussion Forum for Who North America customers
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Áll About Medical Science ! Find all medical cases and dignosis & much more ! All MCI Exam Papers (SOLVED) !
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Free forum : This is a roleplaying site for Medicial, WWE and Other. OC's are welcome!!!
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Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, DC, Gaming, Comic Books, Roleplay, Fan-Fiction, Minecraft - it's all here!
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Chaos Vortex: Through the Doctor Eras, from First to Eleventh. What happens when the Master comes back again? And when the Time Lords are brought back, recreated, is it good.. Or just chaos?
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A Doctor Who and Torchwood Forum where even Daleks are welcome.
Free forum : For Wrinklies and like-minded souls, wanting to escape the mosquitos of Doctor Who fandom.
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Free forum : A Doctor Who & Torchwood RPG forum. Free forum : Time, Space, and the Rift