Free forum : Red Lions is an Asmodian Legion from the Castor server in Aion.
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Free forum : Join fORUMS The Ip is : project-ownage. no-ip. biz Great Server On pking Owner/Coder is : Pitbull Co-Owner: Yannis
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A genre-nonspecific storytelling community.
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The Beginning of All Things to End
Humans turned into soldiers with super powers against their will have broken off from the Dictatorship and have formed the Resistance. 3 years on and the war continues.
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Free forum : ~Student of Al-Revis Academy's Gathering Forum~
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The official website of the Ravens of War, a RPPvP guild on the BDO server Orwen. We are always looking for competent recruits. Apply on our website, on the official BDO forums, or by contacting one of our officers in-game.
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Welcome to the offical site of coolscape, Come and join the free multiplayer game. Just like runescape but better.
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Hellenic Spirit Clan Forum - Lineage ][ Teon Server
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Destiny, is something many believe is a fixed thing which forces those to do certain things. But one can change their destiny with the right motives. Enjoy your stay.
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Forum for the Guild Selenic of Mabinogi's Mari server.
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The Stargate Role Playing Game! Step through the gate and into the Battle Zone in our Stargate RP. Will you join us in our struggle to save the galaxy, or will you attempt to take it over? With near e
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Join and have fun with us.
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Free forum : DNC - Design 'N' Create - is an amature game designing group based in South Africa. The three memebrs and founders - Dillon Theodore, Ntsikelelo Mnsitshana and Charl-André Fourie - are all
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I had a dream, not an everyday dream, a dream of global domination, ever wanted to be the best pker? play Darkscape now!
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Free forum : Looking for a year round game of secret Santa using sig tags???
Dragon Age forum community fansite. Discuss everything about this amazing game. Get help, share your ideas and more! Join now!
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Official CloudStrife Eudemons Online / Conquer Online Edits Shop ! And Offers Free Downloadable Softwares. Guest gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features such as download links.
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The offical forums for the Wolfblades of Death Clan. The #1 Clan in AQWorlds.
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